
Thursday 26 December 2013

Magic is ALWAYS an Illusion: 10 Days to a Fit'N'Feisty 2014

This time of year makes me sick. And, no, it's not just the food. My Facebook newsfeed is spewing with sponsored posts claiming the next "miracle" fat loss program, incredible, rapid weight loss with ZERO lifestyle changes, simple as taking a magic pill, one "simple" trick to finally losing it all after struggling your whole COULD you have missed it? You didn't. Give your head a shake!!

This is a BILLION dollar industry. Think about it... the average America goes on FOUR different weight loss programs or attempts every single year. EVERY YEAR!!! They make BILLIONS making sure you come back for more and we want fast everything without any inconvenience, right? We are limited on time, energy, budget... but I can guarantee you if you REALLY want it, you WILL find a way. Millions find a way to budget for a new iPhone every second week, I know you can make this work. We all have 24 hours in a day.

I've been there! Going in circles, losing the weight, gaining the weight, losing the weight.... so many things work for everyone and you're just broken, right? You could eat salad all day and not lose an ounce, right? Wrong.

You are going about it all wrong. Guaranteed. And that's NOT your fault! We're told Lean Cuisine's are healthy, 1000 calories is reasonable, losing 25lbs in 25 seconds is acceptable, that non-fat anything is healthy and that dieting involves mountains of salad and bland food and EXHAUSTING exercise. It's not EASY to make lifestyle changes and although the effort may seem HUGE and probably is, you're NOT doing it right. Unfortunately, what I learned so very painfully, and finally admitted with deep regret and agony, after years of studying exercise and nutrition science as an obsessive, neurotic hobby and failing over and over, effectively destroying my metabolism following the advice of two different coaches I trusted with my life, I fell to my knees and begged for dieting mercy! Even now, it's second nature to me and it's STILL not easy to lose weight!

Stop kidding yourself. The majority of people are not broken and NO ONE is hopeless beyond measure. If you've beaten your metabolism from years of crash dieting it CAN be fixed. If you've engrained all the wrong "rules" into your skull you CAN reprogram your brain.

The first step is admitting and realizing that what you've been doing is not working. Even if you have no idea why, just admit it. I promise, you won't die.

2014 is going to be POWERFUL!! Join me :)


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