
Thursday 12 December 2013

Happy, Healthy Holidays?!?

Happy Holidays!

For most it can’t come soon enough (minus the cost of gifts!). The New Year is coming. Will you be making some resolutions this year?

Over 50% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions and only 20% follow through with them! Top 10 resolutions in 2012 include;
1)   Lose Weight
2)   Get organized
3)   Spend less/save more
4)   Enjoy life to the fullest
5)   Stay fit/healthy
6)   Learn something exciting
7)   Quit smoking
8)   Help someone with their dreams
9)   Fall in love
10) Spend time with family

I don’t think we need to wait for a day to roll around to start making and striving for goals. EVERY single day we have the opportunity to be better, why should it be black and white??? Start TODAY making better decisions. I’m not talking about not enjoying the holidays and stressing over calories, weight gain and fat- NO one should be expecting to lose weight over the holidays unless you want to feel miserable, left out and deprived! But does that mean we should go crazy with the holiday goodies because we’re starting the “mother of all diets” on January 1??? NO!!!!

NIX black and white thinking and start focusing on eating MORE quality food like fruits, veggies and lean meats. Don’t focus on what you CAN’T or shouldn’t be having, focus. Make sure you let yourself indulge without the guilt and self-berrating behaviours. Don’t go punishing yourself with excessive exercise or not eating all day in preparation. This is NOT a balanced, happy or healthy lifestyle. This only feeds the issues and compounds them. Trust me. 20 years of experience over here dieting and failing, never achieveing health but often losing lots of weight (and feeling like crap as a result because I didn’t even CARE about health!) 

So go! Enjoy the Holidays, focus on family, friends, what you’re thankful for and what you would like to change in the new year. Enjoy those treats in moderation (tell yourself you’re bad for having any and you can be sure to binge since you’re “never” going to enjoy it again), make sure you’re still getting quality nutrition as much as possible, continue with exercise and healthy active habits and feel the freedom that comes with it!

Here are some specials for December. Please consider supporting small local businesses over the Holidays, you know, the people that work real hard to earn every dollar! Your friend who sells online or from home, the corner shop. KNOW that your dollars are supporting someone else’s Christmas and holiday season instead of some billion dollar box store that considers customer service a kid who isn’t sure nor cares what you’re talking about anyway J  Let me help you create the perfect last minute gifts- the gift of health and incredible quality products that work, have no impact on the environment and that are safe for the whole family!


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