
Wednesday, 6 November 2013

What is Success?

What does success look like for you? 
As I continue my journey along the road of entrepreneurs, stumbling, getting caught in pot holes, having gravel kicked up in my face daily sometimes I often find myself losing sight of what really matters to me. Why even bother doing this? Why go through the pain and the struggle? Why suffer when I can work and get guaranteed pay by the hour with a dreamless job, no goals and ambitions? If I were to reach success what would the even MEAN to me? You must define this for YOU, no matter where you are, what your goals, what you are or aren't doing. Are you living with purpose? For me it is working full time with something I LOVE so deeply that it doesn't feel like work. Even through the hard times, it feels like personal growth not obligations to earn pay to pay bills. I don't live to pay bills- THAT is NOT my purpose! I want to keep growing and developing as a person, be the BEST person, the best MOM I can in that moment. I want to live with true honesty, integrity and feel like I live that every day to my core. I want to make an IMPACT. To help others financially, in health, in happiness, to inspire and motivate to be better and keep growing, to be a part of a ripple effect of change. I want to teach my children about persistence and not giving up when things get tough. I want to give them the TOOLS they need to make good decisions, to be resilient, strong, healthy. I know I can always grow more, be more, do more. I don't want my children to lose their dreams into adulthood like so many. Remember when you were a child, dreaming of being a firemen, a policeman, an astronaut, a scientist, a doctor? What happened? Life gets hard and we want to quit. That's our culture. How proud would you be to see your children reach for those big dreams? THAT'S what I want. Not just for myself, but my children, my friends, their children. Success, to me, is not a number. When I die no one will remember if I didn't have $5 in my bank account but they WILL remember the legacy I've left behind, the lives changes, touched, mentored. On my deathbed I will remember the little things, how I treated my children, how I grew with them, not the iPad or the fancy car or computer or big house. 

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